What happens to a democracy when it loses its own justice system? I am not pointing at the Department of Justice but to the Supreme Court. Ever since the Supreme Court decided to elect George Bush over Gore (who won the popular vote but did not ask for a recount). That giant mistake by the so called Supreme Court left me in despair for democracy for the rest of my life. I do human rights work and if the courts at the top are power grabbers, the chance of fairness for the average center drops like a rock into a deep river.
Now recently two of these finely educated so called jurists have turned to the ism of Trump. Two of nine. Corruption at the top of the Justice system guarantees we are in a downward spiral to lawlessness.
I live near the Capital. I saw some of the Jan 6 folks on their way to desecrate the cathedral of democracy. A bomb which did not explode was planted right up the street. I watched as people tried to destroy the police protecting the sacred building. Many police got hurt and a few police committed suicide after this experience. All within three blocks of my home.
Now, it turns out that one spouse of a Supreme was supporting these folks and another spouse hung up a flag upside down to show show for this madness.
Justice is a like a cone.....it melts from the top down. It has melted for me. These finely educated jurists are less talented than a bad car mechanic. The ship of state is heading to a rocky shore. The sure sign of this is theat they prefer the company of the super rich. In those padded spas, they get to hear what the real decisions should be. Lord help the poor when the rich arrive.
We need to change the name of the "Supreme" Court to the "Last Court."
These finely educated jurists are destroying the national need for justice system that protects the nation from the rip and run people, otherwise known as the jurists who are appointed to lifelong jobs with no rules. Yes no ethical standards for the present Supreme Court. None. We are weak now with the virtue of justice. It will get worse. Hold on America we are going thru a most dangerous few years.