Hunger was and is a pervasive issue. In the late 60s, The American Freedom from Hunger Foundation set out to reduce hunger across the world. The youth arm of this organization was called Young World Development (YWD).
Under the leadership of Jack Healey, high school students organized events, such as walks, to raise money and educate people about the food crisis at home and abroad. YWD had chapters all across the country and raised $15 million over five years. Students learned about the factors that caused hunger: war, drought, and corrupt governments. Those of us who participated learned how to organize, how to manage projects, and how to evaluate programs. The skills we learned led many to continue to effect change in a wide variety of ways.
Together we are now uniting to establish a YWD Angels Society. Our gifts will enable our beloved Jack Healey to continue his vital human rights work. Jack's life work, whether it was with us at the American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, at Amnesty International USA, or at the Human Rights Action Center today, inspired us and many others to contribute to social justice for others. Please join the YWD Angel Society for HRAC by donating here.
YWD Angels:
Susan Forsythe, Minneapolis
Michelle (Burke) Foster, North Chicago
Don Ingalls, SE Region
Bill Kokontis, Midwest Region
Laurie Ferber Podolsky, Buffalo, NY
Chris Reynolds, Midwest Region
Carolyn Todd, Eastern Region
Michael Seltzer, Eastern Region
Bek (Bekke) Weintraub, Western Region