Western Sahara: A Call to POTUS - Review Prior Admin’s Missteps

Human Rights Action Center supported actions to be taken after we learned that a compound populated exclusively by women in Western Sahara was under regular assault, including sexual assaults of the occupants. A team of courageous volunteers went in, and the assaults were stopped. Now, Moroccan authorities are blocking the team’s access for a follow up assessment and to extend more protection. Meanwhile, we are seeing influential powers surrendering their responsibility to protect by acting as though Africa were still in the colonial era and simply deeming that it should be okay for this massive disputed territory (which includes extensive coastline) to be annexed by Morocco. All these things that are transpiring are totally unacceptable. We offer some personal experience, some background, and a plea for President Biden to take things in hand and exercise one of his greatest skills to resolve this.

As a Peace Corps director in Africa/Lesotho for four and a half years in the late 1970s, I got some working knowledge of its southern region. Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho were “given” their independence by Great Britain in 1948, the same year apartheid was made the law of the land in South Africa. Zimbabwe and Namibia were not yet so blessed. The Frelimo movement brought on Mozambique’s independence from Portugal, and Frelimo installed an anti-western government with a slow-moving communism. 

The entire region was full of fighters of one ilk or another, but hope was alive for real. Eventually all eyes were on Nelson Mandela and the apartheid regime. It would be another dozen years until Mandela took office in South Africa. At long last, it appeared the colonial powers were gone from Africa.

France, Belgium, Portugal, Great Britain and Germany were all gone. I thought that was the end of colonialism in Africa. I thought the storage tanks that had held the laughing gas that had been apartheid had fed their last gasp and were completely emptied.

Recently, I learned that is not the case. There is still one section of land called Western Sahara that is being treated as up for grabs. For a territory designated by the UN as “Non-Self-Governing” it is massive – the area of all the other such territories combined, times seven. It has 600,000 people, half of whom live nomadically. It has its own infrastructure (yes, including some colonial and some Moroccan), people and customs. So, the United Nations is aiming for a referendum much like the one promised for Kashmir by Gandhi. 

Recently under Trump, however, the USA surprisingly (or perhaps not surprisingly) took a position to have this section of Africa “given away” to Morocco, which had invaded in 1975 in a move that, until present, was given no legitimacy by any world actors. 

The same territory had been under Spanish supervision. With the US poking its nose in, Spain had acceded and now also says that Morocco should “inherit” this land, taking a position alongside the US. Having these decisions made by a colonial superpower and a 500 year colonizer makes it clear to me that colonialism in Africa is not dead yet. 

By tradition, Presidents make fast changes domestically and slow changes internationally. We strive to show consistency on the world stage. But the world sees that many of the decisions made in recent memory to be a kind of sideshow in the history of our country. We have the imperative to change this conversation and we should act quickly before the damage is done. President Biden is actively doing that in other parts of the world where American and/or humanitarian interests appear to be at stake.

There should be a very serious dialogue aiming for a win win both for those folks that live there (and are, decidedly, not Moroccan – most notably the Sahrawi) as well as for addressing the ambition of Morocco to enlarge their map. We couldn’t expect such an approach under President Trump. Under Biden, the USA should re-open this discussion at the United Nations. The UN want referenda. 

My non-profit Human Rights Action Center does not take positions on borders and territorial disputes. Typically, the only flags we wave are those that bear artistic images of individuals who have been wrongfully detained. We don’t like to get involved in these things. But I am troubled by these new misadventures in Africa, having seen not so long ago how American might, behind a vanguard of southern evangelical power, helped create South Sudan, a separate entity from Sudan. The results have been messy at best. Since South Sudan’s first day as an independent nation just over a decade ago, the two Sudans have remained at war. There are few Americans roaming around South Sudan these days offering help in the midst of the warfare. In short, the “example” of South Sudan (referenced politically to make a case for a separate Rohingya nation from Myanmar, for example) totally fails the litmus test. 

Any European doing aid work in Africa comes home lamenting their nation’s colonial role in the misery they have just encountered. Colonialism was brutal, dishonest and blind to any regard for the local folks. It is a universal sentiment: the time to walk away from colonialism, forever, has long since passed. 

In the post-colonial era, Western powers have still failed miserably at setting up governments elsewhere, whether to rule our neighbors or in faraway lands. This track record leaves little room to justify powerful nations giving any other nation carte blanche rule over a territory others claim as sovereign.

But I don’t mean to lecture. President Biden is himself a student of history. He’s well qualified as commander in chief to see a “win win” to fruition - something Americans appreciate from time to time.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): The Idea of Printing the UDHR in Passports, especially the American Passport

This idea looks and feels so naïve that it borders on edge of nonsense.

Let me dispel you of that.

First of all, it would honor Eleanor Roosevelt. she would be smiling in her grave for the honor. The dirty dust on her best work which truly looks out for the relationship between government and their citizens in the best way possible must be removed because it is the best document ever written for all the citizens of the earth. Eleanor broke many a glass ceiling in her life. The UDHR is her lasting moment in history.

Secondly, if we Americans truly believe in freedom then surely you would welcome a vision and a strategy to get to that freedom for everyone. Furthermore, the UDHR is a reality and needs no eternal slow process to get approval for publication. It passed in 1948 in Paris. No need to debate and go on about it. 

Thirdly, the young of the world need to have a document to point to in their fight for freedom and democracy. Martin Luther King, Jr pointed to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The documents were sound in writing and not in law and life. Presently we could use a young person who found the UDHR in garage dump and got excited and led the battle forward to see that this document sets the vision of the world as best it can. A youngest with the power and smarts of John Lewis.

The fear of globalism in may is ill founded because the UDHR just sets the standard, not the law. The UDHR is a passport to the concert where all are truly equal. Let me use one article of the UDHR to show how the world’s citizens need protection and could use this to protect themselves. NO TORTURE. Please spend a moment on thinking on how many people have been tortured since 1948. It is in the tens of millions, followed normally by sadness, recovery and loss for all the tortured. You like me would not want our children, women and men in those horrid chambers getting destroyed. Yet it goes on and on. Just putting that article in the passport would be worth it.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Human Rights Now

Please read the previous blog: Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Biden years before you read this blog. Click Here

Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady of this land for 16 years. After her husband died and her role changed, her proudest moment was writing and passing the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Paris in 1948. FDR set the American future by defeating the great depression of the 1930s and winning the war against the Axis forces of Germany and Japan.  Eleanor then set out to create the future agenda of human rights in the world by passing the UDHR. Quite a couple.

But Eleanor’s legacy was neglected by Harry Truman. No First Lady has adopted the UDHR as a project since then.  Less than 5% of the world even know about the UDHR and certainly less than 5% have read it. 

How could this happen to a United Nations document signed by the massive majority? How did this document drop into the waste can of histories? Both democrats and republicans have walked away the document. Governments, all of them, avoid it.

But times do change. It is time for the UDHR to get another hearing and visibility. Given that the Biden government is seen as like  Roosevelt’s, this might be the time to dig up the UDHR. At the least, it ought to move into the narrative of the think thanks and nonprofits that have benefited from its wisdom.

UDHR is the spine of the human rights movement. No question. Its very existence has given hope to prisoners everywhere.  It threatens the torturer. It slows down the executioner. It gives the poor a chance against the mighty. UDHR supports the movement to democracy and freedom.

In 1988, my staff at Amnesty and I had the nerve to fly around the world after recruiting some of the best musicians of those days to join us, and we gave the UDHR a clear moment in that period of history. We played on five continents and opened the door for new human rights groups all over the world. It tripled the members of human rights groups worldwide. But again the UDHR lies neglected.

I believe that POTUS must  see that the UDHR is printed in American passports. This way, no debate, Just do it. The time has come to let the dictators of the world know what the agenda of the future is, namely the UDHR

Power of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Sometimes, we activists forget the power of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). 

Eleanor Roosevelt was the UDHR architect and her reasoning was clear. She wanted less pain in the world and more rights for everyone.  Eleanor  knew what Albert Camus wrote that “there is a difference between those who count the lash and those who receive the lash.” She wanted to help the lash receivers.

Peter Benenson (founder of Amnesty International) added to the legacy of Eleanor by asking the normal citizen to create a bond with the lashed by writing letters and taking actions to help the oppressed. Benenson wanted activists to keep their contract with the oppressed with the same courage as the abased showed to a dictator. A genius move in 1961. In 1976, Jimmy Carter added human rights to the diplomacy of US foreign policy.

Activism is one thing here in the USA but a little different in most countries in the world. The common denominator of all is courage and consistency in the face of oppression. The human rights movement stays alive on the courage of folks who put their flesh against the gun barrel (as in Myanmar) and to suffer the torturer for days on end.  We know and feel the loss of thousands of “disappeared” never to be found again. Millions have been debased physically and just forgotten by most except for their families. The millions of the tortured suffer the rest of their life and become survivors.  Victories like those of Mandela or  Dr Martin Luther King, Jr are few but terribly important as symbols of hope for us who count the lash and those who receive the lash. 

Each nation has these brave citizens. A few win awards like the Nobel. Millions just suffer endlessly in stinking jails with little food or water as Navelnay does in Russia today. The loss of one who was stolen (a “disappeared”) remains quietly in the hearts of their loved ones. Few are ever mentioned again as time washes clean most of the memory. Even once political change comes, most nations do not like to look back. Seldom if ever, is accountability called for.  Almost like a  rule was written for the purpose of silencing the past. An important exception was the Reconciliation of South Africa led by Archbishop Tutu.

People and governments know millions have been tortured. Yet, I would bet that not over 50 have ever been convicted and served out a real sentence. Many Nazis got to the USA as well as the torturers from Latin American who enjoy the beaches of the American south. No problem, it seems. 

So rather than debate the 30 articles of the UDHR, the way I look at human rights is basic, it is what every parent wants for their child;  to grow to fullness;  school, a job, a doctor if hurt, and a regular bite to eat.  All of the rights in the UDHR are important but few read the UDHR and most have never seen it. If you have not read or seen it, please get a copy off the internet. 

Yet people live and die for the principles of the UDHR. The writing provides a spine to human rights goals.  A right demands a response and that is why Harry Truman ran away from the UDHR as soon as it was passed in 1948 in Paris.

My thought is to bring this document back into the discourse. Many have compared the Biden administration to that of Roosevelt. The UDHR came out of the Roosevelt era and needs another look by the international think tanks. Biden is interested in lowering the pain level of the world for each and every citizen. 

This is especially important now, after  Trump reenergized the dictators of the world like those in China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Russia. In contrast to Benenson, who lowered the pain level of the world: Trump raised it. His followers need to travel to these lands to discover the truth of my accusations.

Secretary Blinken speaks of having human rights as a major part of foreign policy. Usually human rights mean eliminating torture, executions both legal and illegal, disappearances (people stolen from the street and their homes), political imprisonment for the non -violent. I agree with all those of course. To me, with respect to that list, I would say human rights is what every mom and dad want for their children.